Charitable Foundation Research Innovations in Medicine “RIMON”

BPR provider № 1039 in Ukraine in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 14, 2021 № 725


  • Organization of international events of the highest world level in Ukraine

  • Giving Ukrainian doctors access to world information, involvement in work and membership in world medical associations


  • Excellence in organizing events

  • Integration into the global professional community

  • Teamwork and support in achieving set goals

  • Communication, openness, interaction

  • Readiness for new, anticipation and creation of needs


  • Implementation of medical professional measures of the highest world level in Ukraine

  • Full representation of Ukrainian medical professional associations at the international level

  • Ukraine’s integration as an accepted country into the plan of events of European and world professional medical associations

  • Integration of continuous postgraduate education of hospitals in Ukraine into the system of the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) – CME accreditation for medical specialists


Establishment and development of relations with international medical associations and joint implementation of scientific and educational projects

Organization of international conferences, seminars, round tables, telematics, training, meetings of the highest world level

Development and implementation of educational programs for improving the qualifications of medical workers of Ukraine, implementation of online training

Attracting and implementing grant programs for doctors and aid of Ukraine

Providing assistance to medical institutions of Ukraine, improving the quality of medical services, and improving conditions in medical institutions

Charitable contribution

Full nameCharitable Foundation Research Innovations in Medicine "RIMON"
Сode EDRPOU39581683(UAH)
IBAN (UAH)UA323052990000026001036206881 (UAH)
IBAN (EUR)UA233052990000026002036219037 (EUR)
IBAN (USD)UA823052990000026007046209872 (USD)


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